Improve Every day

The Influential Leader


Product Details


“1% Better Every Day”: How Small and Simple Actions Every Day Lead To Big Results.

What is this course about?


  • Using tiny changes that will make you happier, more energetic, more confident, more charismatic and more
  • Using Kaizen to gain huge amounts of time in your day so that you can accomplish tons more
  • How Kaizen works
  • Where it comes from and how it got started
  • How to balance efficiency and optimization with a fulfilling and relaxing lifestyle
  • Changing your lifestyle in subtle ways that help you lose weight without exercising
  • Creating an effective budget you actually stick to through small decisions daily – and racking up HUGE savings accounts as a result
  • Improving your productivity by making small and measurable improvements to your workflow
  • This guide is written in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step fashion for anyone to follow with screenshots and images. Your customers and their customers will love it!
  • Find out how to build relationships with your target audience.
  • This guide is written in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step fashion for anyone to follow with screenshots and images. Your customers and their customers will love it


What's Included

  • FAST-ACTION PACK#1: Quickstart Guide
  • FAST-ACTION PACK #2: 12 Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
  • FAST-ACTION PACK #3: Training Camp (2 hour 14 minute video training

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