Import Snazzyway Products to Shopify

Import products to shopify Snazzyway

Importing products with a CSV file ( For Basic and Plus Accounts )

Download our Shopify CSV Feeds .Our feeds include all the product data available such as Item numbers, Item names, short description, Categories, MRP, Sale prices, UPC, Images ,Quantity in stock, and many more.




  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > All products.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Click Choose File in the Import products by CSV file window.
  4. Locate Snazzyway shopify CSV file, then click Open.
  5. Click Upload file.

We Push Snazzyway products to your Shopify store through API ( For Privilege and onward Accounts )


1- Provide your shopify store API Keys
3- Shop ID
When your Shopify account is configured, we proceed to transferring the  Snazzyway products to your Shopify store.API automatically import all necessary attributes.


How to Create a Private App and get your Key and Secret?

For API integration First, we have to be recognized by Shopify, so we can send our data. For that, please get an API Key & Password by adding a private app to your store (See instructions). 
 We also need to enter the Shop's ID/Name at the field . The Shop's Name can be obtained from the shop's page url - '
 Your Shop ID is the string that is between the and the https://, meaning that if your myshopify url is, then your Shop ID is: awesome-jetpacks 

Step 1. Go to Create Private App page

In your Shopify admin: Click on Apps (in the sidebar) -> Manage private apps (bottom of page) -> Create a new private app (blue button in the top right)

Step 2. Fill the form

Private app name:Give the app a name you will recognize, something like ‘WooCommerce Importer’ is better than ‘My New App’ since you will be able to recognize what it does in the future.

Contact email:Type your real email.


Make sure all permissions are set according to the below details

The Exporter needs credentials to create orders, customers and products, create inventory (assign stock numbers) and read your locations (to be able to assign stock numbers to locations).
  1. Customer details and customer groups :Read and Write
  2. Inventory:Read and Write
  3. Locations:Read access
  4. Orders, transactions and fulfillments:Read and Write
  5. Products, variants and collections:Read and Write
  6. Store content like articles, blogs, comments, pages, and redirects:Read and Write
The rest of the Permissions can be set as ‘No Access’. The Exporter will not use any of this.
Step 4. Untick ‘Allow this app to access your storefront data using the Storefront API’ and click ‘Save’.
Step 5. App Created! Copy and Paste the ‘API key’ and ‘Password’ in the form above.

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