Top 4 most promising new startups

Top 4 most promising new startups


Top 4 most promising new startups

With each Passing  Minute something new is being build in order to solve the problem of the people and leading himself to become a billion dollar startup or multi million dollar startup, we are inching towards an innovative world , and its absolutely  a great span of  time for tech startups to make their mark.
As we all are familiar with the harsh reality , AI and robots will Domitian the  future as a monopolist like goggle , many Venture Capital firms and tech investors  have allocated their money in order to invest it into great ideas that might sounds realistic and profitable for future. It’s time to GET STARTED BECAUSE GETTING STARTED leads to getting things done this  is the new motto.
Since there are million of people who are so called enterpeneuer and they are working on a startup just for sake of it so the question is that are we working on profitable and realistic idea. How can you filter out the best startup when things are not worse they are worst whether its your financial health mental health  and fitness
We have decided to save your precious time and help you as much as we can. Check out  top 4 most promising new startups of 2020  which have dazzled and dominated the world, and venture-backed funding they have raised so far.this blog is written on behalf of some insights that our team has collected by very keenly observing future plan of bunch of successful startup

Top 4 most promising new startups

After very keenly observing bunch of successful startup owner  there were few things which were common among them That were before starting their startup they all have read books and e books at extensive scale and out of all the books they have readed their top recommendation was A book by by Peter theil zero to one Yes the book has only 195 pages But it’s a Great opportunity to learn from For all of those who don’t know peter let me give a brief introduction Peter was a co founder of paypal and he is one one of the most gigantic investor in companies like FACEBOOK  SPACEX LINKEDIN  so the author himself has a good  knowledge about startup And from this book one of my favourite writing was That before working on a startup you should ask yourself 7 question  that are as follows

The Engineering Question

Can you create breakthrough technology instead of incremental improvement ?

The Timing Question

Is now the right time to start your particular business?

The Monopoly Question

Are you starting with a big share of small market?

The people Question

DO you have the right team?

The Distribution Question

DO you have a way to not just create but deliver your product?

The Durability Question

Will your market position be defensible 10 and 20 years into the future?

The Secret Question

Have you identified a unique opportunity that others don’t see

Top 4 most promising new startups



Labster new startup
Industry: EdTech
Funding: $34.2M
Investors: Owl Ventures

Labster is an online platform that provides high school students the opportunity eplore and discover  to perform various experiments online in a risk-free environment. Labsters is a perfect solution for third-world countries where most students don’t have access to modern labs for performing Science, Physics, and Chemistry experiments.

With Labster, they can learn about the latest technologies, new ways of experimenting, and get an experience of practical learning, right from their homes. By labster their time and energy saves. The motive of the company is to build easily scalable online solutions that improve learning significantly with standard methods in very cheap price .

The Labster platform also includes molecular 3D animations, quiz questions and background theories that engage students in an immersive, game-like multimedia experience.



pleo edtech startup
Industry: EdTech
Funding: $78.8M
Investors: Stripes

Wouldn’t it be better if instead of getting salary transferred to your bank account – which usually takes days – you get salary instantly in your company’s ID card? You can use this card at ATMs, at service stations, at restaurants, and even at local banks.

It makes life a lot easier, right? That’s what Pleo, a company credit card service does for you. This card is a win-win for both companies and employees. Instead of opening bank accounts, companies can issue these cards to  all employees. They can use these cards as per their needs and whenever they need to pay for any service.

For a company, the benefit is tracking. They will know how much and where the employees are using their cards and then they can create discount deals for their employees. Moreover, it also helps the company invest in funds. The company then gives a share of the earned revenue to its employees i.e., if employees have the money above a certain limit in their accounts. Sounds interesting right?


FinTech Startups

Securitize Fintech startups list
Industry: FinTech
Funding: $78.8M
Investors: Stripes

Securitize is a  blockchain-enabled company that facilitates the capital markets by allowing traders to trade in private companies using trusted global solutions. The platform is secure and offers high-quality experience for investors. It is integrated with multiple US-based marketplaces, so traders can trade without any fear of losing their earnings. The company has received over $26 million in funding and aims to become one of the biggest US marketplaces.



Industry: FinTech
Funding: Bootstrapped

NuovoPay is a startup that aims to safeguard device leasing and support Haas (hardware as a service). Several finance companies and mobile phone carriers have not jumped on the bandwagon of device leasing to make mobile devices available to individuals without a credit score. This is an essential part of empowerment achieved by mobility and leasing is a critical element to bridge the digital divide.

NuovoPay, with its proprietary device locking software, enables device leasing companies- financial institutions and carriers to protect their leased devices against nonpayment. NuovoPay’

Top 4 most promising new startups


Well as you all have gone through the bog and you have seen Top 4 most promising new startups,  So you all might have found few things common among them  that are all the startup have gone through those 7 question twice or thrice before starting out and  they have innovated something new  nor else replicated someones idea Because replication dosent means working on startup And after few stage your growth stops and you will never be able to cross the level of Mediocrity PRO TIPS  I personally look at steve jobs for inspiration and steve jobs once said that INNOVATION IS WHAT DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN LEADERS AND WORKERS SO before starting out ask yourself few contrarian  question these question may sound little bit of arrogant But believe me  these are the one that takes an enterpuneuer forward

Are you working on a realistic unique and profitable business idea

Are you having core competence in some skill that can help you set up your own business

Have you written your business model in a proper manner

PRO TIP Rember your business model should not extend more than 2 pages Because a complicated business can make enough to survive but a complicated startup only get  Backlashes Grudges and get dommed in a span of 6 months or less than 6 months

IS your startup able to solve the problem of the people or its just a business that is good for nothing

So now as you have gone through the blog  I would like to give a NUTS AND BOLT Advice to all the avid reader that when you will start out their will be a lots of Hype People will be aggravating around you And they will only break obscene sought of news or content  to you  regarding startup  And they will make you belive that the probability of startup falling is more than probability of startup suscedding  But guys don’t give up on your dream Because all the startup that are worth today more than 300 million were sometime unrealistic idea whether it was OYO or REDBUS But apart from this your should be problem solving LIKE oyo and redbus were able to work on a realistic profitable and problem solving idea

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